Friday, January 28, 2011


I have some goals and they are:

1. Take Steps Toward Building a Career of Some Kind (a job in the meantime would also be swell): My hope is to one day combine my love of cooking and my passion for overall health, wellness, and sustainability to create some kind of job that keeps me from being homeless and allows me to eat at restaurants very often- my two main priorities.  I started cooking school for the third time Monday. (I've been to culinary school twice already. Once for baking and pastry and once for a culinary arts degree that I only completed a year of.)  I'm going to the Natural Gourmet Institute. I'm a vegan and I want a career in the alternative food industry so this seems like a good direction for me to be going in.

2. Running!(ish): I am not a skilled athlete, let's just start with that. But I've always wanted to be a runner. As of now, I can only run(slowly) for about 40 minutes without praying that I will suddenly die a quick and painless death. I am obviously the epitome of cardiovascular health. BUT...I will actually be the picture of cardiovascular health by 2012(right). I joined NYRR (New York Road Runners) which pretty much means nothing, but makes me feel like I've accomplished something significant without getting out of my bed or putting on a real pair of pants which is pretty much all I look for in life. Basically, NYRR is an organization(I think) that allows you to register for runs and take certain classes at a discount and other little perks. Also, if I run in 9 NYRR events and volunteer for 1, I am eligible for guaranteed entry to the next year’s ING New York City Marathon. There are probably other details that I'm not paying attention I actually have to be able to like, legitimately run, or something, but skimming through that was enough to get me to sign up. So, my goal is to be able to run a marathon by September of 2012.